Gadolinium is a clear colourless fluid that is used to make the images clearer during an MRI scan and help with diagnosis. Aradiologist (a specialist doctor trained in studying scans and X-rays) or a senior radiographer (a specially trained member of the radiology team who performs the MRI scan) will decide if you need gadolinium and discuss this with you.
Gadolinium is not suitable for everybody and the radiographer/radiologist will decide if it is appropriate for you.
Gadolinium should not be used in patients with reduced kidney function, or hepatorenal syndrome (a condition involving reduced function of the liver and kidneys) since it causes nephrogenic systemic fibrosis in patients with severely reduced kidney function. It is important that you tell the radiographer or radiologist before your scan if you have any history of kidney problems.
Also please let us know if you have had a previous allergic reaction to a contrast agent.
Gadolinium may cause side effects in some people but these are usually mild and short lasting.
Some of the more common side effects include injection site pain, nausea, vomiting, itching, rash, headache and parasthesia (abnormal skin sensation, such as prickling, burning or tingling). If you have any concerns about side effects, please speak to the staff caring for you.
Occasionally the injection may leak out from the vein to the tissues under the skin – this is known as extravasation. If this has happened, you will experience a stinging sensation where the contrast has gone into the tissue and it can be painful.
If you would like more information about this, please ask a member of staff for a leaflet called What to do if the contrast injection leaks out (extravasation).
Allergic reactions to gadolinium contrast agents are uncommon but do occur. Most occur during the injection or within the first hour following administration; however, some can occur up to several days after.
If you require this information in a different format please let us know via customercare@alliance.co.uk
Gadolinium is injected into one of your veins via a needle ora cannula (a soft, hollow, plastic tube) during your scan. The cannula is inserted through your skin into a vein using a needle. Once the cannula is in place, the needle is removed leaving a small thin plastic tube in the blood vessel. This should be comfortable and will only be in place until your scan is finished.