Confirmation: There is an enormous demand for these tests and it is important for you to confirm your appointment by calling the unit prior to your appointment.
Arriving without confirmation will lead to you being turned away as your appointment will have been given to another patient.
Please bring any sprays or inhalers that you are taking to the scan appointment. If you are on any medication from your doctor please continue to take it as normal.
However, if you are taking medication known as dipyridamole/Persantin or Nicorandil/Ikorel, please stop this for 24 hours prior to the scan appointment.
Please bring a list of your medication with you.
Please do not wear any jewellery, nail polish or eye make-up.
You should experience no after effects from the examination. You may eat and drink as normal. A report will be sent to the Doctor who referred you within 5 working days.
Do not drink or eat anything that contains caffeine for 24hours prior to your examination. This is very important, as it will invalidate the results of the test.
Caffeine is found in tea and coffee (there are also traces of caffeine in de-caffeinated tea, green teas and coffees, so these must also be avoided). All fizzy drinks (including Lucozade, Lemonade, Iron Bru, Red Bull etc) contain caffeine as well as all chocolate products including hot drinks and ice-cream.
It is best to drink only water, milk, fruit juice, squash or plain Horlicks prior to the examination.
You may eat normally as long as the product is caffeine free. If you are not sure whether a product contains caffeine, don’t consume it.
Some painkillers and cold remedies also contain caffeine. Please check the ingredients before taking any.
On arrival at the Cardiac MRI Centre you will be asked to change into a hospital gown. You will answer a safety questionnaire. During this time the examination will be explained and you may ask any questions that you have.
We will weigh you and record your height.
The radiographer or doctor will insert two small plastic needles (cannulae) into the veins in your arm, normally one in each. One cannula will be used to administer the heart exercising drug (Adenosine), the other will be used to give you MRI contrast agent – a colourless liquid that shows up on the scan.
You will then go into the scan room and lie down on the scanner table. You will be monitored throughout the examination by ECG. Your blood pressure, heart rate and blood oxygen level will also be monitored.
During the scan the scanner table will be moved into the magnet and you will hear a rhythmic tapping sound, which may become quite loud. This is normal. You will be given headphones or earplugs to protect your ears from the noise.
The radiographer operating the scanner can see you throughout the scan. You will be given a call button to alert the staff if you need to speak to them during the scan.
It will be necessary to hold your breath for short periods(up to 20 seconds) during the scan and the radiographer will instruct you when to do this.
The scan will usually last up to an hour. The scan time will vary from patient to patient.
If you require this information in a different format please let us know via customercare@alliance.co.uk