
Your doctor or clinician sends your imaging referral to Alliance Medical.
Your referral is reviewed by clinical staff and verified. We may contact you with further questions.
Our Bookings team contacts you by telephone or letter.
A suitable appointment is then booked for you giving you a choice of location, date and time.
We will then send you confirmation and an appointment information pack by post or via e-mail if available.
The Bookings Team can also assist you with any queries.
We will offer you the choice of an e-mail or SMS reminder service.
You attend the clinic and confirm your registration details.
Throughout your appointment a member of the scanning team will remain with you and can answer any of your questions.
Preparation for the examination depends on the type of scan but may include changing into a gown, having an injection and being asked to rest.
Details on the specific preparation for each type of scan can be found here.
The diagnostic imaging is then completed, after which you can get changed (if required) and any discharge information is given to you.
If a clinical report has been requested as part of the service, your images will be shared with an appointed Consultant Reporter. They will review your images and write a report on their findings.
Once reported the results will be sent back to your referring clinician so that they can contact you should any further follow up or treatment be required.