To help to prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus please take particular care to follow our Hands, Face and Space Requirements.
If you feel unwell or have any symptoms of COVID-19 please contact us to discuss your appointment.

Wearing a face covering during the COVID-19 pandemic
Mandatory face coverings
People infected with COVID-19 may have very mild or no respiratory symptoms and can transmit the virus to others without being aware of it.
You will need to wear a face covering when you come to the scanning centre as a visitor or as a patient. We provide fluid-resistant face masks at the entrance to our buildings - you must wear one of these even if you have your own fabric facemask. Please remember:
- An effective face covering should cover your nose and mouth while allowing you to breathe comfortably.
- You should wash your hands or use hand sanitiser before putting it on and taking it off.
- When wearing the face-covering, you should avoid touching your face at all times.
- You should also follow other infection control safety measures, including social distancing and regular hand washing.
We understand that not all people are able to wear a mask. The following groups do not need to wear a face-covering when visiting our Scanning Centre
- Children under the age of three.
- Anyone with anatomical difficulties that would make wearing a face mask impossible or painful e.g. facial injuries.
- Anyone unable to remove their mask without assistance.
Why should I wear a face covering when I attend for my Scan?
Public Health England (PHE) has recommended the use of masks when in enclosed public spaces. They are worn to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. In some cases, a person may have Covid-19 but not display or suffer from any symptoms, this is known as being asymptomatic.
You do not need to wear a mask if you have breathing difficulties or other health conditions which would prevent this. Your nurse or doctor will be able to advise you on this.
How do I put on and take off my mask correctly?
Putting on the mask:
- Wash or hand sanitize your hands.
- Attach the ear loops.
- Adjust the mask to cover your nose and mouth.
- Pinch the top of the mask to form a good seal at the bridge of the nose.
The mask should cover your nose and mouth at all times. Try not to touch the front of the mask as this will increase your risk of contamination. If you need to touch your face wash or hand sanitize your hands before and after.
Taking off the mask:
- Wash or sanitize your hands.
- Unhook the ear loops and remove it in a downward motion away from your face.
- Without touching the front of the mask place, it in the plastic waste bag.
- Wash or sanitize your hands again.